The plots on this page are updated by running the scripts periodically, to prevent being rate-limited, so they may be out of date with the latest competitions

All code is:

(for scraping medal counts, crudely right now using Selenium becuase it was easy to do) and to make the plots

Country Medal Counts Summed

Which country has the most "points" in the 2024 games? Depends on how we count medals -> points.

Is the winner the country just with the most gold medals? Do silver and bronze medals count equal to gold? Or is there some conversion factor, e.g. 4 silver = gold and 10 bronze = silver?
To see what the playing field looks like for possible answers to this question, we take the current medal counts for each country, adjust them by various values of those two factors, and plot the resulting rankings and "points", or equivalent gold medals

To clarify, points for each country are calculated by the following formula: Geq=G+S+BxBSxSG

Where Geq is total equivalent gold medals, G is actual won gold medals, S is silver medals, and B is bronze medals. xBS is the factor of Bronze medals per Silver medal and xSG is the factor of Silver medals per Gold Medal

We have charts for the following scenarios:

Finally, for each country we plot their place (as a color of a surface) vs the variables xBS and xSG: All Country Ranks

Normalized Gold Medal Equivalents

For this chart to fit on 2 dimensions, we simplify xSG=xBS (ratio of silver to gold = ratio of bronze to silver)

This is the 1 chart to look at to answer 'who is winning' for a given gold->silver (and equal silver->bronze) multipler

Each x-position here is a factor that a country's bronze medals are divided by to reach "silver equivalents", which are then summed with actual silver medals. Then all "silver equivalents" are divided by this factor again to reach "gold equivalents". High value on x-axis means non-gold medals are worth less. For example, a "silver per gold" ratio of 25 means that each silver medal is 1/25 th of a gold and each bronze is 1/625 th of gold.

y-values are equivalent gold medals for each country with the chosen ratios, Normalized against the winning country at that ratio (as valuing silver/bronze less means there are fewer points overall)

Simple Gold Medal Equivalents

For this chart to fit on 2 dimensions, we simplify xSG=xBS (ratio of silver to gold = ratio of bronze to silver)

Same as above, only points are absolute rather than normalized by winning country's points

Country Ranks by Ratio

For this chart to fit on 2 dimensions, we simplify xSG=xBS (ratio of silver to gold = ratio of bronze to silver)

Here we simply rank countries at each ratio, so we don't care by how much a country wins, just if they do. Clear points at which countries swap positions are visible, along with the ripple effects on lower ranked countries.

Ties are assigned the same rank, so the tie at the beginning (all medals worth 1 point) between many nations is very evident, but later ties may not be (since only one color can be shown for a given pixel, a country's line here could mask another's if they have the same rank)

Every county's possible ranks, according to ratios xBS and xSG

For the full picture, here we show a 2D plot for each country mapping xBS to the x-axis and xSG to the y-axis